Here’s an interesting, personal fact about track 11 on the album - it wasn’t originally in our plan for the album at all.⠀
As we were wrapping up the finished album, we began to reminisce the year we are also wrapping up, and that led us to think about some of the incredible memories and experiences we’ve been blessed to share together traveling this year.⠀
Two of the most special places we spent time this year were Memphis, Tennessee, and Savannah, Georgia. 🙏🏻♥️⠀
Something about the slower pace, the people, the unique energy, the rich history, the riverboats, the stories and the music that reverberate in “the old south” really lit a fire in our hearts, and that feeling is what inspired our own unique take on “Silent Night.” ⠀
We never discussed or planned this particular arrangement, just started playing and hit record. It’s unhurried and imperfect, and we like it that way.⠀
Isn’t there something so magical about music that way? How you can tell a story or have a conversation or share a memory without ever saying a word?⠀
It sure is to us. Almost as magical as the feeling you get on Christmas Eve... and here we are. 🎄♥️⠀
As we were wrapping up the finished album, we began to reminisce the year we are also wrapping up, and that led us to think about some of the incredible memories and experiences we’ve been blessed to share together traveling this year.⠀
Two of the most special places we spent time this year were Memphis, Tennessee, and Savannah, Georgia. 🙏🏻♥️⠀
Something about the slower pace, the people, the unique energy, the rich history, the riverboats, the stories and the music that reverberate in “the old south” really lit a fire in our hearts, and that feeling is what inspired our own unique take on “Silent Night.” ⠀
We never discussed or planned this particular arrangement, just started playing and hit record. It’s unhurried and imperfect, and we like it that way.⠀
Isn’t there something so magical about music that way? How you can tell a story or have a conversation or share a memory without ever saying a word?⠀
It sure is to us. Almost as magical as the feeling you get on Christmas Eve... and here we are. 🎄♥️⠀